Online Teaching: What to Know in 2022

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Well, online lessons were not in such pressing demand until recently, but the pandemic has
made its adjustments to the usual way of life and educational processes. After several semesters at home, it is more and more difficult for students to return to lecture rooms
because online education is different only in that a person does not need to go anywhere physically. 

Online teaching

On the other hand, the circumstances have promoted self-study and stirred an increased interest in online courses. So, if your teaching practice smoothly transitions into a digital space under the influence of these changes, this article is for you.


At the initial stage, you should think through several important aspects. First, you need to
decide on an “action” plan. What do you expect from students, and what do they need from
you? Consider each of the points you need to cover while delivering your course:

  • Keep in touch with students
  • Post materials for self-study
  • Give home assignments
  • Conduct online classes

You need to make a list of specific tasks and act on the plan. And of course, learning
materials also need to be put in order.

Many teachers use stickers to label their digital learning materials, which has proved helpful
since the rapid pandemic outbreak. And they highly encourage those who’ve not done that
yet to create an individual pack of stickers utilizing a great sticker maker. It takes time and
effort to prepare educational content properly, no doubt. But get this: not only will stickers
scattered around the materials claim them as your own and deter unsolicited copycatting, but
they will also improve interaction and help you build a good rapport with your students. Plus,
it’s fun, so give it a try.

Building a Video Base

Creating custom video content for your online courses is also an excellent solution. You can
record a video explaining a topic that is otherwise difficult to understand. At any convenient
time, students can go to the files stored on your social media page, personal website, or an
educational online platform and repeat the material. 

You can create a section with answers to frequently asked questions or solutions to interesting problems and tasks. Discuss with students what they would like to add. You should remember to use protective copyright elements like logos or watermarks.

Choosing a Communication Platform

In general, there are many platforms and applications for online learning nowadays. They
make studying convenient by combining different features and formats in a single interface.
Some of the most popular and useful options are Zoom, Adobe Connect, Webinar, Google
Meet, and Microsoft Teams.

It is also worth checking with your students to see which tools they are familiar with. For instance, students often communicate with each other on streaming platforms such as Discord. Although not designed for online teaching specifically, this service could be used for online lessons with voice chat and screen sharing.

However, sticking to one platform only is not the best solution because there can be force
majeure circumstances like a program restart, updates, or too much load on the channel. A
cool fallback is Skype which is great for getting students together quickly. Also, you need to
find out what technical capabilities your students have. This will affect the choice of tools: if
you know that the students will log in via a phone, you need to choose platforms compatible
with portable devices.

Online teaching

Adhering to Rules

As practice shows, online lessons often come with many distractions, from a pet coming to be
cuddled to someone texting a student on a social network. Moreover, some students manage
to connect to online classes without a video camera turned on while still remaining in bed. If
sticking to certain rules is important to you, you need to familiarize students with them at the
first online meetings. 

For example, to help the group stay focused and grind away at their studies effectively, ask the students to turn on their cameras, turn off notifications on their phones, put the devices face down, and close all third-party tabs so that they are not distracted.

Diversifying the Educational Process

You can offer different forms of classes to your student. Hosting webinars or interactive
lessons a few times a week will spur enthusiasm in your group, and they will be more willing
to keep working. Consider promoting discussions on relevant and interesting topics to keep
them engaged.


The virtual space has become a source of multiple opportunities for life-long professional development and personal growth. People are increasingly interested in obtaining new experiences and skills, and therefore, your task is to make their interaction with the world of knowledge useful and enjoyable.