Some Very Helpful Educational Resources from Google

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This is a quick post to share with you this wonderful free resource from Google for Education where you can access tons of helpful guides, training lessons, tips, and educator-created materials to help you make the best of Google services in your instruction. There is also a section labelled ‘Ideas’ where you will get to explore how other teachers and educators are using Google services in their teaching and beyond. For instance, you will learn about 40 ways to use apps in the classroom, how to create dynamic project plans and schedules, how to better use Chrome web browser to enhance your productivity and many more. The third section titled ‘Community’ is where you will ‘find peers, collaborators, role models, and others who are eager to help you get the most out of Google tools and devices.’

If you are using any of the Google services in your instruction, this resourceful page from Google for Education should definitely be bookmarked. Among the tools covered are: Google Classroom, Calendar, Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, Sheets, Slides, Sites, Drawings, Sites, YouTube, Google Keep, Expeditions, Maps, Chrome, Google Earth, G Suite for Education, Google Plus and many more. It also provides resources on how use devices such as Chromebooks and Android tablets in education. Check them out and share with your colleagues.
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