Help Students Stay Safe Online with These Excellent Videos

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In today’s post we are sharing with you four oldei but goodie YouTube videos to help you  teach your students how to navigate the web smartly. As good digital citizens, students need to be educated on the fundamentals behind a responsible and effective use of the Internet. This includes knowledge of how to avoid falling prey to online scams (phishing, identity theft, fraud, etc) and how to act in case they happen; how to appropriately use online content; what or what not to share publicly;  how to protect private information (e.g, home address, phone number, email etc); and how to act in an ethical, responsible and positive way online (and of course offline). Critical literacy is key in the teaching of digital citizenship. It equips students with a critical mindset capable of investigating, scrutinizing, and analyzing digital content from different perspectives. In this context, the videos we have for you today are important contribution to your efforts to raise digitally cognizant students. They will particularly help students learn how to: steer clear of  cyber tricks, detect lies and stay true, stay safe online, and how to remain safe on YouTube. All of these videos have been created and shared by SafetyCenterVdeos.

1- Steering clear of cyber threats

2- Detecting lies and staying true

3- Playing and staying safe online

4- Staying safe on YouTube

First appeared here