What is Mood Meter and How to Use It to Boost Kids Emotional Intelligence?

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Mood Meter is a tool from Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence that helps students (and everyone else) boost their emotional intelligence (EQ) through developing  self-awareness and self-reflection skills. Mood Meter helps students develop the ability to recognize their inner feelings, understand nuances of emotions, and develop a rich emotional vocabulary.

Mood Meter

Teachers and parents can use the app to engage kids in conversations about their feelings asking them questions like How do you feel at the moment? Why are you feeling this why? What are the consequences of your feelings on you and the people around you? What are you going to do about your feelings?

These are all questions that can help kids  deeply engage in a process of self-reflection and self-assessment, processes that are at the core of social and emotional learning.

How does  Mood Meter work?

Mood Meter is divided along two axes: one for energy and the other for pleasantness. There are four colour-coded quadrants or zones each of which is associated with a particular set of feelings and emotions. 

The yellow zone is associated with feeling pleasant and energetic and includes feelings ranging from pleased to ecstatic. The blue zone is associated with low energy and low pleasantness and includes feelings ranging from apathetic to feeling hopeless. 

The red zone is associated with high energy and low pleasantness and includes feelings ranging from feeling annoyed to feeling enraged. The gree zone is associated with low energy and high pleasantness and includes feelings ranging from feeling at ease to feeling serene. Watch this video to learn more about Mood Meter's color-coded chart. 

Students plot their feelings into one of the quadrants. They simply tap the appropriate color quadrant and select the emotion word associated with the plot. 

Next, Mood Meter prompts students to reflect and type in few words on why they are feeling that way. Plotted feelings are saved so that students can keep track of their mood change over time. 

Mood Meter

Next, students are provided with strategies to help with the regulation of their feelings. These include quotes, tips, and images. These strategies are designed to help them transition from one emotional state to the other. 

Students can also customize their emotional experience by adding their own quotes and images. Finally, students can use Mood Meter reports to explore how they were feeling at given times. 

The importance of Mood Meter in learning

Mood Meter helps students become aware of their own feelings as well as those of their peers thus promoting emotions of empathy and understanding. Additionally, the ability to identify inner feelings can help students become more effective in regulating their emotions and in making better decisions, all of which are key to a healthy and well-balanced emotional well- being.   

Teachers can use Mood Meter to develop students emotional intelligence and mindful thinking. According to Inclusive Education, each of the quadrants in Mood Meter's color-coded chart is associated with a particular set of thinking and learning processes. 

The yellow quadrant is associated with emotions that promote creative thinking, group activities, and problem solving. Students in the red quadrant are more likely to experience emotions that heighten awareness and competitivity. 

Students in the blue quadrant experience emotions that promote deductive reasoning, critical thinking, and empathy. Students in the green quadrant are likely to experience emotions that boost self-reflection and consensus building.

Teachers can use data from Mood Meter to help differentiate instruction and to design teaching strategies that meet the needs of students from all four quadrants.

Mood Meter

How much does Mood Meter cost?

Mood Meter is available as Android and iOS app. As of writing these lines, Mood Meter' s price in Apple App Store is $0.99.