This Is How to Set up and Manage Your Classes on Google Classroom

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Google Classroom is an educational platform that allows teachers and students to connect, communicate and facilitate classroom workflow. It provides a collection of productivity tools  that teachers can use to collaborate, create and share instructional materials and organize classes. Teachers can create virtual classes in Classroom and invite students to join using a generated code. You can set up and manage several classes simultaneously. You can easily move materials (e.g., announcements, assignments, questions…etc) from one class to the other. You can also cross posts to different classes and save your archived materials for future uses.

Other interesting features provided by Classroom include the ability to invite co-teachers to join your classes. You can invite up to 20 instructors to help you with classroom activities and projects. You can also create and share customized assignments, draft posts or schedule them so they ll be automatically posted to Classroom in specified times and many more. In today's post we are sharing with some practical tips to help you set up and manage your classes on Google Classroom. These tips are based on guidelines from Classroom Help page.

10  Good Tips to Help You Set up  and Manage Your Classes on Google Classroom

1- Create a class
‘Go to
Click Add Add and then Create class
Enter the class name
Optional) Enter text, such as grade level or class time.
(Optional) Enter a subject or click one from the list that appears when you enter text.
Click Create.’

2- Invite co-teachers 
‘Go to
Click the class you want to add co-teachers or groups to.
At the top, click About.
Click Invite Teachers.
You can invite individual teachers or a group. Enter the teacher's or group's email address.
As you enter text, an autocomplete list might appear.
From the Search results, click a teacher or group or click Add recipient.
(Optional) To invite more teachers or groups, repeat steps 5-6.
Click Invite.’

3- Invite students to a class
‘Go to
Click the class you want to add students or groups to.
At the top, click Students and then Invite Students.
You can invite individual students or a group. Enter the student’s or group’s email address.
As you enter text, an autocomplete list might appear.
From the Search results, click a student or group or click Add recipient.
(Optional) To invite more students or groups, repeat steps 4-5.
Click Invite.’
Alternatively you can give students a code to add themselves:
Go to
Click the class and then Students. The class code is on the left.

4- Remove a student from class
‘Go to
Click the class and then Students.
Check the box next to the student, or students, you want to remove.
At the top, click Actions and then Remove.
Click Remove to confirm.’

5- Remove a co-teacher from a class
‘Go to
Click the class you want to remove a teacher from.
At the top, click About.
Next to the teacher's name, click More and then Remove from class.
Click Remove to confirm.’

6- Archive a class
Go to
On the class card, click More and then Archive.
Click Archive to confirm.’

7- View assignments due dates
‘Go to
At the top, click Menu
Click Calendar.
Select an assignment or question to open it.
(Optional) To view past or future work, next to the date, click Next Next
(Optional) To see assignments for all your classes, click All classes.
To see assignments for only one class, click All classes and select the class.’

8- Set post and comment permissions for a class
‘Go to
Click the class you want to set permissions for.
Click Students.
From the post and comment list, choose a permission level: a) students can post and comment, b) students can only comment, c) only teacher can post or comment.’

9- Mute/unmute a student
‘Go to
Click the class the student is in.
Click Students.
Check the box next to the student you want to mute/unmute.
Click Actions and then Mute/unmute.

10- Transfer a class you won to a co-teacher
‘Go to
Click the class you want to transfer to another teacher.
At the top, click About.
On the left, next to the teacher's name, click More and then Make class owner.
Click Invite.’

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