Game-based Learning Resources for Teachers and Educators

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Game-based learning is a learning approach that integrates the ethos and principles of gaming in classroom instruction. The essence of this approach is premised upon the idea that learners learn best when they are immersed in engaging and hands-on activities in the form of games that challenge their thinking. For those of you interested in learning more about game-based learning, we recommend this collection of curated books written by leading scholars in the field.

In today's post we are sharing with you this collection of free resources curated by the folks in OER Commons. These are educational games and activities you can use in your class to engage your students and enhance their learning.  Each of these games come with instructional procedures on how you can incorporate them in your teaching. You will get to learn what each game is ideal for in terms of grade level, skills targeted and accompanying activities. You can then customize the game to suit  the learning needs of your students. There are tons of game-based learning resources in OER Commons and you need to use search filters on the lefthand side of the page to help your search.  You can look up materials by educational level, subject area, education standards, by language and many more.