Webjets is a new information management tool we discovered through a post by Larry Ferlazzo. Webjets provides you with an intuitive platform where you can collect, save and organize digital content. Besides content curation, you can also use Webjets to record your notes, set goals, remember tasks, create mind maps, and share your digital libraries with others. You can also utilize it to collaborate with others in creating digital boards. You can share ‘anything with your friends or teammates, and enjoy all your changes instantly synchronized between users. Set assignees and due dates to any cards to manage your team's workflow.’
The way Webjets works is simple and easy. Using the tool’s bookmarklet you can instantly drag and drop (or copy and paste web URLs) content from any window or tab into interactive visual cards. You can also create empty cards to record notes, to-do lists, reminders, tasks…etc. Webjets provides you with multiple organizational features to help you structure your content into grids, tables, collections, canvases, diagrams and mind maps.
Webjets has a huge potential for us in education. Research students can use it to bookmark and annotate content they come across online. Similarly, teachers can use it to create public digital libraries containing curated content and educational resources to help students in their learning. Drawing on its collaborative features, students can work in teams to browse the web, collect relevant materials for their research project and organize them into editable mind maps or tables to share with their peers and teacher.
Watch the video below to learn more about Webjets.