Basic Google Search Tips for Students

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The power of Google search engine lies in its hidden features. Getting precise search results require much more than simply coming up with a random search query and hitting  ‘I am feeling lucky’ button. Google search is a skill that needs to be explicitly taught to students.

To this end I am re-sharing with you this handy visual that features some practical tips to help students  hone in their Google search skills and enable them to effectively search for and find digital content. All of the featured tips are sourced from  Google Search Help.

Main Google Search tips for students are how to:

  • Search social media
  • Search for a price
  • Search hashtags
  • Exclude specific words from their search
  • Search for an exact match
  • Search for unknown words
  • Search within a range of numbers
  • Combine searches
  • Search for a specific site
  • Search for related sites
  • Get details about a site
  • See Google's cached version of a site

  Some Very Good Google Search Tips Students Should Know about