The voicemail features of Google Voice are also wonderful. All voicemails are recorded and transcribed. Only transcription of English messages is available for now.You can set up your voicemail so you get voicemails emailed straight to your Gmail account. Also, voicemails are available as audio files that can be saved and embedded into a website or blog or used in audio editing tools such as Garageband or Audacity to create audio files for classroom projects.
From language teaching to storytelling, Google Voice can be used in a variety of ways with students. We have compiled for you a list of some very good reads to you help learn more about how you can integrate Google Voice in your own teaching. But before that, here are some good video tutorials covering some of the features provided by Google Voice.
1- What is Google Voice?
2- Voicemail Transcription
3- One Number
4- SMS to Email
5- Share Voicemails
6- Conference Calls
7- Mobile App
Check out these articles for ideas and suggestions on how to use Google Voice with your students
- Google Voice inThe Classroom by Ditch That Textbook
- Google Voice Provides Every Teacher with A Secretary by Lisa Nielson
- How to Use Google Voice in Education by Seu Yapa
- A Teacher’s Complete Guide to Using Google Voice to Collect Classwork and Homework by Bill Price
- 5 Ways to Use Google Voice in Your Classroom by Ja de Haan
- Check out Google Voice Help centre for more tips and tutorials
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