Android News Aggregator Apps for Teachers

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Below is a list of  some very good news aggregator apps we recommend for teachers and educators.  There are all kinds of news aggregators in Google Play store but only few perform what they claim they can do. The ones we selected for you today are among the most popular out there. They provide you with a ‘a single place to keep up on the news, follow topics you care about’.

1- Flipboard

“Flipboard is your personal magazine…Read world class publications like The New York Times, PEOPLE magazine, Fast Company, and Vanity Fair on Flipboard -- find any source with the search bar. You can also connect Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to Flipboard and easily flip through pictures and posts from friends. Save stories you enjoy or express a point of view. Use the + button on anything you find to collect it into your own magazine. You can see all your magazines in your Flipboard Profile. For more on how to make your own magazine, visit”

2- News Reader by Feedly

“Millions of people use feedly every day on their Android phones and tablets to connect to the blogs and news sites that matter to them. From tech to business to design to cooking to fashion, feedly helps you discover new Youtube channels, blogs or news sites you can add to your feedly and easily read in one place. Because it is powered by RSS, feedly is an open system: you can add any RSS feed to your feedly and easily read the content of your favorite feeds on the go. Just enter the URL of a feed in the search bar.
Feedly integrates seamlessly with Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Buffer, OneNote, Pinterest and LinkedIn so that you can easily share the stories you read in your feedly with your friends and colleagues.”

3- Google Play News Stand

“With Google Play Newsstand, discover more of the news and magazines you care about all in one app on your Android tablet or phone. Enjoy breaking news and in-depth articles featuring audio, video and more. From sports, business, cooking, entertainment, fashion and more - now get both free and paid news plus subscribe to vibrant full HD magazines, all in one place. With hundreds of premier publishers - it’s all there, easy to follow, read, and share.”

4- News360: Personalized News

“News360 is a personalized news reader – it tailors a unique newsfeed just for you, and uncovers quality content from around the web. By analyzing what you enjoy, News360 becomes smarter as you use it and selects stories that you’ll find interesting and important. You will never again miss something because you haven’t subscribed to the right feed or followed the right person – instead, News360 will show you all the stories that really matter, and none of the noise.”