Here Is A Great Resource of Student Interactives to Use in Your Class

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Most of the requests we recieved from our readers here in EdTech and mLearning during the last few weeks revolve around one theme:student interactives. We have reviewed several of these tools in the past, however, one of our favourite source of educational interactives to use with your students in class is ReadWriteThink. It features tons of student interactives designed specifically for use in educational settings. The great thing about these interactives is that they usually come with a detailed description of how you can employ them in your class, grades they target,  extra learning materials, and sometimes a planning sheet with instructions on how to use the tool.

Student Interactives in ReadWriteThink are provided for free. No registration or software download is required. You can simply use the search tool in the site to search for and locate relevant tools. Alternatively, you can use the menu on the left hand side, it has a category called ‘Student Interactive Type’ which includes a wide variety of tools organized into the following themes: organizing and summarizing, inquiry and anaylysis, writing poetry, writing and publishing prose, and learning about language. Using these tools will enable you to ‘engage your students in online literacy learning…that help them accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun.’  Click here to access all student interactives in ReadWriteThink.
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