Create Professional Looking Pictures Using Fotophire

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Fotophire is a software you can use to edit and design your photos the way you want. It offers a host of interesting features that will turn you into a professional photographer without the need for any advanced photography skills. Fotophire is not free but you can try out the free trial and see whether it lives up to your expectations or not.

Some of the tools offered by Fotophire include: a photo editor which you can use to edit your pictures and add up to 200 effects, a photo cutter which enabes you to replace backgrounds, and a photo eraser which lets you remove unwanted objects from your pictures. You can easily delete unnecessary details in your photos (e.g., a person, a street sign, watermakr, date stamps etc). You can also use it to delete scratches and wrackages to perfect your old photos and make them look lively.

Fotophire also provides you with various extensions to expand your editing capabilites. For instance, Fotophire Maximizer enables you to enlarge your photo by 1000% without losing quality. It also lets you adjust the lighting of your photos and create high quality close-ups from your them.  Fotophire Maximizer is  a great tool to use for creating posters and banners, enlarged and printed photos keep their high resolution quality. Another good extension is Fophire Focus. You can use this feature to fix your blurred photos, make your desired focus clear and blur the background, and turn your photo into artwork with creative blur, vignette or delicate filter effects.

Other interesting features offerd by Fotophire include: choose from 4 'before and after' styles including side-by-side, split view, horizontal, and vertical; save time by enlarging up to 1000 images at once; easily adjust the white balance, saturation, and temperature of your photos; print large photos in high resolutions, and many more. Give it a try and share with us your feedback.

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