1- Book Creator
‘Book Creator is the simple way to make your own beautiful ebooks, right on your PC or Tablet.
With over 10 million ebooks created so far, Book Creator is ideal for making all kinds of books, including children's picture books, photo books, comic books, journals, textbooks and more.’
2- Khan Academy
‘Our Windows app is the best way to view Khan Academy’s complete library of over 6000 videos on your Windows device. We cover a massive number of topics, including K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even the humanities with tutorials on finance and history.’
3- Kahoot! Create
‘Create and host a fun learning game for any subject, any age, for free. Kahoot! is a free game-based platform that makes learning awesome. It brings fun into the classroom where anyone can play, unleash their secret classroom superpowers and celebrate together.’
4- Duolingo
‘With Duolingo, you learn a language completely for free. You have fun while you learn, leveling up and competing with friends.’
5- OneNote
‘OneNote is your digital notebook for capturing and organizing everything across your devices. Jot down your ideas, keep track of classroom and meeting notes, clip from the web, or make a to-do list, as well as draw and sketch your ideas.’
6- WolframAlpha
‘Across thousands of domains--with more continually added--Wolfram|Alpha uses its vast collection of algorithms and data to compute answers and generate reports for you.
This app gives you access to the full power of the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine.’
7- Read&Write for Microsoft Edge
‘Read&Write for Microsoft Edge™ offers a range of powerful support tools to help students gain confidence with reading, writing, studying and research.’
8- GeoGebra
‘GeoGebra is free dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package. Interactive learning, teaching and evaluation resources created with GeoGebra can be shared and used by everyone at tube.geogebra.org.’
9- Socrative
‘Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their Socrative Windows app. Socrative will instantly grade, aggregate and provide graphs of results to help you identify opportunities for further instruction. Save time and visualize student understanding when it matters, now!’
10- FlashQuiz
‘FlashQuiz lets you have fun while studying. Enjoy creating your own flash cards with images, sound or even your own drawings! You can keep your flashcards for yourself or easily share them with anyone you like. FlashQuiz lets you keep track of which cards you know and which ones you don't, and replay the ones you get wrong, helping you learn.’
11- Edmodo
‘Edmodo takes learning beyond the classroom by providing a free, safe place for teachers and students to connect and collaborate—anytime, anywhere.’
12- Explain Everything
‘Explain Everything™ brings together an interactive screencasting whiteboard and a content Discover portal and community for Windows Devices.’