16 Great Apps for Learning An Aboriginal Language

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February 25, 2017
For those of you interested in learning and exploring an aboriginal language, the collection below has you covered. Curated from iTunes ‘Explore an Aboriginal language’ collection in App Store, this selection features 16 great iPad apps to introduce you to a wide variety of aboriginal languages spoken by First Nations in countries like Canada, Australia, USA and New Zealeand. More specifically, the languages covered are: Innu, Nakota, Ojibway, Denesuline, Atikamekw, Maskwacis and Manitoba Cree, Tlicho Dene, Mi’kmaw, Michif, and Saulteaux.

Click here to download this visual in PDF format. Share with us your feedback in our Facebook page.

Links to the featured apps:
1- Innu Conversation
2- FirstVoices Keyboards
3- Speak Cayuga
4- Nakota
5- Ojibway
6- Inuktut Naqittautit
7- Denesųłįné
8- Atikamekw Conversation
9- Maskwacis Cree
10- Manitoba Cree
11- Yati
12- Tal-Tluen?
13- L'nui'suti
14- Michif Lessons
15- Innu Dictionary
16- Saulteaux Language App

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