Below is a collection of some interesting tools and mobile apps to help kids and young learners enhance their learning and boost their literacy learning in fun and engaging ways. Check them out and share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list. Enjoy
‘Little Writer is a tracing app that's done just right. Little Writer is super fun and so easy to use that your kids will think letter tracing is a game vs. a boring chore.’
‘Hideout teaches kids how to read through a series of fun activities that emphasize letter-sound association and word repetition.These activities make use of blending and reading short vowel words within meaningful contexts. Interactive activities highlight a core of words that share a phonic pattern. Engaging activities, set within relevant situations, provide meaning and purpose for reading and creating words. The activities vary in the situations they present and in the ways word meanings are illustrated. ’
3- Fry Words
‘The Fry 1000 Instant Words are a list of the most common words used for teaching reading, writing, and spelling.These high frequency words should be recognized instantly by readers. Dr. Edward B. Fry's Instant Words (which are often referred to as the "Fry Words") are the most common words used in English ranked in order of frequency.’
‘Phonics Rhyme Sorting Free is a fun app for learning to recognize rhyming words, and sort them by sound. A bee carries a heart with a word on it, and your child selects which of two flower pots has a word that rhymes. The bee then carries the heart to the flower, and if correct, a new petal is added to the flower. After each group of rhyming words is completed, the animated flower will review the words.’
‘Greetings from the Gloop family and the Fred Rogers Center! Alien Assignment is a fun game that encourages problem solving and discovery. The Gloop family’s spaceship has crashed and they need your help to repair their spaceship! Take pictures of your world to help the spaceship computer remember how to fix the ship and fly this lovable family of aliens back to their home planet.’
‘Smiling, laughing, and learning! The Calgary Public Library Grow a Reader app teaches parents and caregivers how to develop early literacy skills in young children. Download it for free! Grow a Reader takes the fun interactive rhymes, finger plays and songs from our popular early literacy programs and delivers them to you, wherever you are.’