We have received a couple of requests over the past few weeks from teachers asking about Android apps for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). We did some research and compiled for you the short list below. We only featured the apps with more popularity among educators based on the number of downloads and user reviews. We hope you find this compilation helpful. Enjoy
1- Physics Practical
“Complete Physics is an app for any student planning to learn or become good in physics. The main reason behind this app is to make students better in physics. You can learn with the tutorials that covers wide range of physics topics. Also it includes physics questions and a thought out solutions. This app is enhance with a physics quiz to help you practice your knowledge of physics on the go. You can also search with the physics dictionary to get access to many physics terms and definitions”.
2- Pocket Physics
“Pocket Physics is an easy-to-use, free, education app that covers most of physical formulas with descriptions and images. It is perfect for students to do physics homework quickly and accurately.”
3-Star Tracker
“It's the mobile planetarium in your pocket, designed for astronomy fans to explore the universe. Just hold up and point your device at the sky and StarTracker will tell you exactly what stars, constellations and deep sky objects you are looking at in realtime. Full utilization of the build-in gyroscope, digital compass and accelerometer drive the best user experience.”
4- Chemistry
“Discover chemical reactions and solve chemical equations with one and several unknown variables. You'll always have periodic table and the solubility table handy. And even the calculator of molar mass!”
5- Start Chart
“You can now have a virtual planetarium in your pocket! Look through the eyes of your Android device to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe.
All you have to do is point your Android device at the sky and Star Chart will tell you exactly what you are looking at.”
6- Complete Biology
“Complete biology app is among the best biology app in the market. It focuses on secondary / high school students, undergraduate students and biology teachers. With more than 35 topics in Biology, students will learn everything they need in preparation for their exams.”
7- Chemistry Lab
“Become an organic chemistry ace by playing the app that turns real organic chemistry mechanisms into an outstandingly fun game. Play your way through actual reactions in a fun game rather than simply memorizing flash cards and reaction names. ”
8- Learn Physics
“Learn Physics is an app that helps to understand physics easily and fast with core concept tutorials, formulas calculator and quizzes.
The app features a comprehensive list of formulas for the physics topics listed bellow, each with a smart formula calculator that allows you to solve any variable within the formula.”
9- 3D Brain
“”Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around the interactive brain structures. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.”
10- Virtual Chem Lab
“Chemist is your portable chemistry lab. It’s the only virtual chemistry lab for tablets to conduct chemistry experiments, explore chemistry reactions with different lab tools. Try mixing chemicals by pouring them into beakers or test tubes. You can also heat the chemicals with a bunsen burner, or put a piece of cesium into water.”
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