Tons of Tips and Resources for Integrating Technology in Classroom

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April, 2015
We have just finishing reading Tech Tips for Teachers and we found it really a wonderful resource worth the shout-out here. This is basically a free eBook (around 32 pages) that features a wide variety of interesting tips and insights to help teachers integrate technology in their classrooms. The great thing about this work is that it is realized by people from within the trenches, they are fellow teachers with years of experience teaching with technology.

The resources featured in Tech Tips for Teachers are organized by grade levels. There is a section for grades PreK-2 compiled by Andrea Crawford, another section for grades 3-5 compiled by Laura J, and the last section for grades 6-12 authored by UtahRoots. You can browse through the section you are interested in and you will find tons of materials, printable, templates, and several other resources mentioned there. The entire book is an easy read and is full of visuals and pictures. This eBook is available through Teachers Pay Teachers for free but you need to be registered with them to download it. Registration is free too. Enjoy

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