Easily Record and Share Voice Messages Using Record MP3
Record MP3 is a great web tool that allows users to record voice messages to share with others. Teachers can use this tool to record short reminders for their students for instance about a forthcoming test, assignemnt, project, absence etc, and post it on the classroom blog.
Record MP3 is dead simple and easy to use. It has a user friendly interface and does not require any software download or installation.You do not even need to sign up or register. Just head over to its homepage and click on " Okay, I did it" button in the top then check" allow" to grant the Flash recorder access to your computer and click again on the same button and you will be directed to a webpage.
Click on record and start talking . When you finish your recording you click on save recording and you will be provided with a link that you use to post online or email to anyone you want to hear that recording. It is that simple.