10 Must Have Bookmarklets for Teachers

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Here are some examples of interesting bookmarklets for teachers and students:
1- Pin it
This is for Pinterest. All it takes is a single click to pin an article.

2- Scoop.it
This is for Scoopit , the content curation service, if you are a Scoopit member then install it on your browser.

3- Short URL
This one here shortens long URLs using the Bitly service.

4- Capture Screenshot
You can use this to capture screenshots of the web page you are browsing and upload it to Flickr, Evernot and other services. ( when you click on this link scroll down to the bottom to find the bookmarklet to drag).

5- Google Site Search
This one here allows you to search any website for the content it has regardless of whether it has a search facility or not.

6- Readability
It lets you change the layout of a page in ebook or newspaper format. You can also select a better background with more formatting options for text.

7- BugMeNot
As its name suggests this bookmarklet is used to log in to websites that entail having an account with them before reading their content. You do not have to open your account with any website you read and BugMeNot will take care of that. It provides a username and password to use straight.

8- Download PDF
This one allows you to download a whole web page into a PDF to embed in your email or print out.

9- Gmail This
Use this one to send emails containing text you selected in a paragraph somewhere in a webpage. ( when you click on this link scroll down to the bottom to find the bookmarklet to drag do not click on the button that says download bookmarklet instead click on the button that say Gmail This and drag it.)

10-PrintWhat You Like
This one helps you format web pages the way you like to choose the size you want to use for printing.