To start using Shelfster you will need to regsiter for an account.It is free and takes only few seconds. Omce registered you can then start curating and sharing web content. It is better that you first create Shelfster projects and within each of your projects you can create documents by dragging and dropping links and text int your documents from your saved list of links.
Users can type in their content in the documents they create just as they would do in a word document. They can also edit the things that they have dragged from the their projects library.
Slelfster is a great research tool that both teachers and students can use in their daily work. It is very easy to use and has a user friendly interface. It provides browser bookmarklets and extensions for bookmarking and annotating web content in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera. It also has a desktop version that works on both Windows and Mac. For iPad and iPhone users, they can install the Shelfster app to bookmark and annotate on the go.
Shelfster can help students and teachers :
- Prepare a research document
- Work on classroom projects
- Share documents and research papers
- Creating lists and sharing them with others
- Organizing research papers and saving them.