Here are the main categories you find in Teacher Guides
Critical Thinking
It provides lesson plans and student handouts that teachers can use to improve their students critical thinking skills particularly when doing a research.
Free Tools in The classroom
Microsoft offers some of its free tools to teachers to help them get their students engaged, energize their lesson plans, and save time. These tools include photo tools, video tools, collaboration tools and many more.
Digital Storytelling
This section provides resources and materials for teachers to use with their students in storytelling. It helps students personalize their learning and perfom better. Students can use these materails to create a movie or interactive slideshow to tell their stories.
Microsoft Office in The Classroom
To increase productivity and improve collaboration Microsoft offers a set of free tools for teachers and students such as Microsoft Powerpoint, Word, oneNote and many more.
Microsoft Office Web Apps
This is where teachers get teaching tips on how to use Office Web Apps to access and share their documents
Microsoft Onenote in the classroom
This provides teachers with one single place where they can organise their online materials and resources.
Windows 7 in the classroom
Learn how to use Windows Live Movie Maker to create video clips using pictures. You can also watch videos and download an e-book.
Bing Internet in The Classroom
Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 in the classroom
This one helps you visualize mathematical concepts from basic math to pre-calculus.
Accessibility in the classroom
Education can be accessible to those with special needs using technology. Discover how here.