Build yourWild Self Easily Cartonize your Photos

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Build your Wild Self is a cool website. It allows its users to create their own self portrait and add animal parts to. It is basically an avatar creation tool. This is a great website for students where they can create their own avatars and use them in conversations and storytelling. It can exponentially improve their critical thinking and imaginative powers.


Build your Wild Self is very easy to use and does not require any sign up software download or installation. What is even great about this utility is that users can share the avatars they create with their friends using emails, print them out or save them to their desktop.

To start using Build your Wild Self you need to head over to its main page. Select the body you want whether it is for boy or girl. Now click on the different parts of the body shown to your right like for instance: Hair, eyes, mouth and for each part you will be provided a set of examples to choose from. The same applies to clothes, tails, head gear and backgrounds. When you are done you give it a name and click on I am done. If you want to send it to a friend just click on the button ' send to friend' or ' Get a wild desktop' to save it to your computer.