Spicynodes : create engaging visual mindmaps

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Spicynodes is a cool web2.0 tool . It allows its users to create  visually attractive nodes for their blogs, websites or wikis  . Nodes are visually displayed pieces of information that help visitors easily navigate the content of your site so that they find what they are looking for with the minimum time possible .

Some features of Spicynodes

Spicynodes offers the following services to its users :
  • It is partly free , there is a paid version with more options
  • It requires a sign up but you can use your yahoo , Gmail or Facebook account to sign in as well
  • It is very simple to use
  • It organizes ideas in such a catchy way
  • It helps brainstorm concepts
  • It create elegant mind maps like presentations
  • It is embeddable in your blog or website
  • It can be shared with others using different methods