ZimmerTwins : Creative storytelling web2.0 tool for teachers

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ZimmerTwins is a web2.0 tool that allows students to unleash their imaginative powers and exercise their storytelling skills .

Edgar and Eva Zimmer are 12 years old twins who appear normal but have developed psychic powers strange things began to happen when the twins adopted a black cat named 13 . On ZimmerTwins students create their own endings to story starters or create stories from scratch. 

 Similar: Some of The best Storytelling Apps and Tools for Teachers and Students

Some features of ZimmerTwins
Here is a set of features offered by ZimmerTwins service :

  • No registration required
  • Easy to use with simple interface
  • Members can create their own content
  • It provides a “sharing” service so that users can share their work with the rest of the world ( only for pro members )
  • It enables interaction between its users by leaving comments and messages on each others’ pages
  • It also allows for easy accessibility to favorite movies by using the favorite page.