MentorMob A Great Learning Playlists Creation Tool

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Mentormob is a great web tool that allows its users to create free interactive learning playlist. The process is very easy and simple to implement. Users besides creating their own learning playlists, they can also browse through others` lists and look for the ones they want to read .There is a search bar on the top of the page to help you search playlists.


The content is organized into a set of categories such as : Education, Technology. Art....etc. Click on each category and you will have all the lists featured in it within a single click. I have already created my learning list that you can read below.

To start using Mentormob you need to sing up for a free account . After signing up you click on create a playlist and provide a title and description for it. Select which category you want to include it in and give it some tags to make it searchable. Once done, you click on the box that will appear to start adding your links.

Here is the playlist I created

Create your own Playlist on MentorMob!

Watch this video to learn more.