
iLyrics is a cool mobile app that allows its users to find lyrics within iOS apps.

LyricFind is another mobile app that allows its users to find lyrics to millions of tracks and right from their mobile devices. It offers several services such as; Bookmarking favorite lyrics, viewing artist biographies and photos and viewing charts of top lyrics and artists. It also lets you search by artist, song name or the lyrics themselves. It is completely free and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Instant Lyrics

"Instant Lyrics quickly finds the words to any accurately tagged song on your device. No matter how new or old the song may be, Instant Lyrics uses the id3 tag to search the web and find your lyrics in any language you want."

It is a free app that can find lyrics of songs being played in real time. It also can identify songs by listening to it play on another device, such as the radio, TV, etc. What is even greater is the possibility it offers to users to search songs using their own voice.