Short Text : the educative web posting

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Short Text  is a simple tool to publish text online with no sign up or sign in . It is really very practically useful and all  you need to do to post your text to others  is an internet connection .

Some features of Short Text

Here are the key features that underly ShortText service :
  • It is completely free with a premium version for more functionalities
  • It is very simple, quick and user-friendly
  • It does not require any sign up or sign in
  • The URL you generate for your text lives for one year and if visited during this one year then it would live longer
  • You can make your URL private
  • You can share your URL with whomever you want
  • It has a useful Firefox extension to help you instantly post your text
  • It allows linking to vidoes or images
  • You can also active the “ allow comments” service to interact with your visitors .