Sendoid , The Instant Private Way to Share Files in Education

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Sendoid is a great file sharing web2.0 application. It is completely different from other file sharing services in that it is based on peer to peer transfer system . This means that files are never stored into servers and that they are only accessible in a direct way through a generated link .

Some features of Sendoid

Here are some features that sets Sendoid apart from other file sharing systems online
  • It is completely free
  • It is dead simple
  • It is very instant and straight forward
  • It does not require any sign up
  • It  provides  a high security via a 128bit AES encryption algorithm, link obfuscation, and an optional user-set password at the end-point.
  • It offers a size limit that ranges between 600 MB and 1 GB
  • It provides a desktop application that facilitates file sharing