authorSTREAM : The Educative web2.0 Presentation Sharing Engine

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authorSTREAM is a great web2.0 presentation sharing engine . It allows its users to upload PowerPoint presentations online for free and also share them with whomever you want . authorSTREAM as defined by its creators is “ a platform for sharing PowerPoint presentations on the Internet. authorSTREAM makes it easier to share your PowerPoint slideshows through blogs, websites, on YouTube and even via iPOD. What's best is that it's all FREE! Just sign-up, upload presentations and start sharing.”

Some features of authorSTREAM
  • It is a free service and entails a quick and easy sing-up
  • It allows you to upload your PowerPoint presentations online
  • Turn your PowerPoint presentation into videos
  • Upload your video presentations into youtube
  • Embed them in your blog , website . You can also customize your embed player with different colors
  • search for online presentations using keys
  • create your own channel and browse through others’ channels.
  • It allows you to present live with just few clicks
  • It provides slide statistics about how many people have seen your presentation and many more
  • It gives you the options to either make your presentation private or public
  • Share your work with the rest of the world with a simple click