Here is a collection of some good educational websites we curated specifically for music teachers. They feature various resources to help teachers in the teaching music. These resources include web tools for creating music, music sheets to learn composition, interactive games to introduce young learners to basic musical notations, lesson plans, activities, and many more. We invite you to check them out and share with us your feedback in our Facebook page. Links to the websites are under the visual.
1- SmartMusic
‘SmartMusic is a web-based music education platform that connects teachers and students. Teachers have access to an unrivaled library of music from which to create individualized assignments for every student. Students receive immediate feedback as they practice each assignment. Their best performances are sent back to the teacher for grading and additional guidance. Plus, built-in notation tools allow teachers to import, edit, and create music, producing custom content for their students.’
2- BrainPOP Music Resources
This page in BrainPOP a number on interesting educational resources to use in music instruction. These include a section on famous artists and musicians, tools for learning music, tools for creating music, a section on musical genres and many more.
3- Flat
‘Whether you're a beginner or a professional composer, Falt’s music composition software gives you all the tools that you need to make your own sheet music. You can write, listen, share and discover music scores right in your web browser on any device.’
4- PBS Kids Music Games
This section in PBS Kids features a collection of educational games designed specifically to help kids learn music.
5- Soundtrap
‘Soundtrap EDU is an online tool that enables teachers to follow the latest curriculums through music, podcasts, language, literacy training and other sound recordings. A creative environment in which students can collaborate and develop their own creative and communication skills.’
6- Noteflight
‘Noteflight is a powerful full-featured application to edit, display and play back music notation in a standard web browser, integrated in an online library of musical scores that anyone can publish, link to, or embed.’
7- Interactive Music Sites
This Weebly page features a collection of resources to help students learn music. These include tools for composing music, virtual instruments, interactive games and many more.
8- Classics for Kids
‘Classical music can be an exciting tool. The Classics for Kids® lesson plans and teaching resources give teachers practical, effective plans and activities that use classical music to help children learn. and meet national and state standards. They are based on National Standards for the Arts and state Academic Content Standards for Music, as well as on Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The materials also incorporate various philosophies, including those of Orff, Dalcrose, and Kodaly.’
9- The Rhythm Trainer
‘The Rhythm Trainer is a free, Flash-based program for learning and practicing rhythm. There are two types of exercises: A Mode, where you click in the rhythm you hear, or B Mode, where you see a rhythm and choose the sound that matches. At the end of your session, you can email your results to anyone (for example, your teacher) and they can then see how you are doing.’
10- Music Theory
Music Theory offers a wide variety of exercises, lessons, and tools to help you learn music.
1- Ten Interactive Websites to Utilize in the Elementary General Music Classroom (Mustech)
2- Music Websites for Kids (Rofling Library)
3- Music websites for students (Manly State School)
4- 10 Fabulous Websites for Music Students and Music Teachers (My Music Theory)
5- Great Apps, Games, and Websites for Music Education (Common Sense Education)
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