Answergarden : students’ brainstorming tool

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AnswerGarden  is an online answer collection tool. It is a “ minimalistic feedback” application . It can be used in the classroom to brainstorm ideas about a given topic or to collect answers to certain questions. AnswerGarden can also be embedded in your own blog, website, or a wiki. 


Similar: Feedback Collection Tools for Teachers

AnswerGarden is a free application and does not require any registration, yet a password is recommended so that you can edit your AnswerGarden contents later.

  • It has a simple and easy to use interface
  • AnswerGarden can be embedded in websites, wikis, blogs
  • It can be used with students under 13
  • It can be used as a poll or guestbook
  • AnswerGarden can be shared with others through emails and social websites.
  • It can also be used in digital brainstorming sessions.